The human body is intricate. Even though each organ in your body has a specific purpose to perform to keep you healthy, they nevertheless depend on one another to work properly. It can put stress on other organs, leading them to cease functioning properly, when one organ isn't functioning as it should.
One illustration of how our organs is interconnected is the link between diabetes, heart disease, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). The hormone insulin is utilized by the body to transport blood sugar into the cells where it may be utilized as energy. If a person has diabetes, their pancreas either can't use the insulin that it produces properly or doesn't produce enough of it. If a person has CKD, their kidneys are not as effective in removing waste products and toxins from their blood as they should be.
The connection
What links the three circumstances together, then? High blood sugar, high blood pressure, family history, obesity, a poor diet, and inactivity are all risk factors for both diseases. The kidneys can be gradually harmed by high blood sugar levels, and over time they may stop filtering blood as effectively as they should, developing CKD. About one in three people with diabetes also have CKD. The heart is under extra strain when the kidneys aren't functioning properly. When a person has CKD, their heart must pump more forcefully to reach the kidneys. Fortunately, controlling or preventing one illness can help you control or prevent the others and reduce the likelihood of further difficulties. In severe cases one might have to refer to a kidney transplant hospital in Gurgaon.
Tips for good health
· Be active
· Consume healthy food
· Stop smoking or alcohol consumption
Living with a chronic illness can be demanding. Don't forget to ask the best kidney transplant hospital in Delhi for advice and support. Getting involved in a support group is another excellent method to meet people who have experienced similar things.